Since Junckers was founded, Corporate Social Responsibility has been an integral part of the way we conduct our business
We believe it is imperative that wider society, governments, and the corporate world work together to reduce energy consumption, the use of fossil fuel and CO2 emissions to help mitigate the climate crisis. In 2011, Junckers joined the UN Global Compact and committed to its ten principles to operate in ways that meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. Ever since, we have detailed our progress in our yearly company CSR report.
The way in which we conduct our business is based on openness, trust, respect, and responsibility. This means we maintain respect for the law, respect for the environment, respect for people and their rights, we take responsibility for minimising our energy consumption and for ensuring a safe and healthy working environment with job satisfaction for our staff.
Junckers is a proud supporter of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
Find out how we use the UN’s 17 goals as a compass to navigate towards a more sustainable future.
How does selecting a Junckers solid hardwood floor contribute towards a more sustainable future?
Find out how an all-natural floor will make a difference to the longevity of your design, a building’s carbon footprint and sustainable credentials.
Did you know wood is the most sustainable building material in the world?
We explain the sustainable qualities of wood and why using wood as a building material is so important.